Email marketing is a major part of any large marketing campaign. It lets you connect directly with anyone who is interested in your business, your products, or what you do. Sending an email is a great way to deliver information directly to a lot of people, especially if you are finding that your website’s visitor numbers are dropping.
If done right, a marketing email sent out to your email audience can have extremely positive effects. The first (and arguably, most important) part of email marketing is the words themselves. You need to develop email copy which is eye-catching, engaging, and which will encourage the reader to choose your email over all the others in their inbox.
Get the subject line right:
The first thing that anyone sees when they open their email inbox is all of their new messages. Each of these messages is accompanied by a subject line which, ultimately, helps them choose whether or not the email is worth reading.
It is therefore extremely important to make sure that you get your subject line right. Even if you have average content within your email, a catchy subject line will still lead to a lot of people reading it. However, if you have a poor subject line, you will find that a lot of people don’t even open your email.
Keep it short, but strong:
People don’t want to spend hours reading an email. Keep your email copy to the absolute necessities. Once you have written a draft, go through and edit out any words which are not absolutely necessary. Doing this will help you create content which people can engage with, and will increase the chances of people reading your emails through to the end.